招牌韮黃鍋貼 Signature: Pork W/ Yellow Chive

8 Pcs | 80 Points

雞肉大白菜鍋貼 Chicken With Napa

8 Pcs | 90 Points

玉米豬肉鍋貼 Corn With Pork

8 Pcs | 90 Points

韮菜豬肉鍋貼 Chive With Pork

8 Pcs | 90 Points

韓式泡菜鍋貼 Korean Kimchi W/ Pork

8 Pcs | 110 Points

鮮蝦豬肉鍋貼 Shrimp With Pork

8 Pcs | 110 Points

招牌锅贴+地瓜粥 Combo-Signature Pan Fried Dumpling + Sweet Potato Congee

Pan-Fried Dumpling | 100 Points


招牌韮黃水餃 , Signature: Pork W/ Yellow Chive

8 Pcs | 80 Points

雞肉大白菜水餃 , Chicken With Napa Cabbage

8 Pcs | 90 Points

韮菜豬肉水餃 , Chive With Pork

8 Pcs | 90 Points

玉米豬肉鍋貼 Corn With Pork

8 Pcs | 90 Points

韓式泡菜水餃 , Korean Kimchi W/ Pork

8 Pcs | 110 Points


冷冻水饺, Frozen Dumplings

20 PCS | 140 Points

韭菜猪肉冷冻水饺, Frozen Dumplings W. Pork & Leek

20 PCS | 170 Points

玉米猪肉冷冻水饺, Frozen Dumplings W. Corn & Pork

20 PCS | 170 Points

鸡肉大白菜冷冻水饺 Frozen Dumplings W. Chicken & Cabbage

20 PCS | 170 Points

韩式泡菜冷冻水饺, Frozen Kimchi Dumplings

20 PCS | 190 Points

鲜虾猪肉冷冻水饺, Frozen Dumplings W. Shrimp & Pork

20 PCS | 190 Points


台灣牛肉麵 Taiwanese Beef Noodle

Noodle Soup | 130 Points

豬扒麵 Pork Chop Noodle

Noodle Soup | 110 Points

蝦餃麵 Shrimp Dumpling Noodle

Noodle Soup | 90 Points

當歸羊肉麵 Dong Quai Lamb Noodle

Noodle Soup | 130 Points

麻辣羊肉麵 Hot and Spicy Lamb Noodle

Noodle Soup | 130 Points


台灣鹽酥雞 , Taiwanese Popcorn Chicken

Congee & Side Dishes | 70 Points

牛搌 Beef (Cold Dish)

Congee & Side Dishes | 60 Points

豬耳 Pig Ears

Congee & Side Dishes | 60 Points

花生小鱼干, Fried Anchovies & Peanuts

Congee & Side Dishes | 50 Points

地瓜粥 Sweet Potato Porridge

Congee & Side Dishes | 30 Points

炸小鱼干 Pan-Fried Anchovies

Congee & Side Dishes | 40 Points

涼拌黄瓜 Marinated Cucumbers

Congee & Side Dishes | 40 Points

豬舌 Pig Tongue

Congee & Side Dishes | 60 Points

酸梅粥 Plum Congee

Congee & Side Dishes | 50 Points

紫米粥 Purple Rice Congee

Congee & Side Dishes | 50 Points

凉拌凤爪 Chicken Feet

Congee & Side Dishes | 60 Points

炸鸡翅 Fried Chicken Wings

Congee & Side Dishes | 90 Points

糖醋萝卜 Sweet & Sour Radish

Congee & Side Dishes | 50 Points

凉拌面筋 Gluten & Peanuts

Congee & Side Dishes | 50 Points

凉拌黄瓜 Cucumber Salad

Congee & Side Dishes | 50 Points


珍品黑糖鲜奶, Baked Brulee Milk Latte

Milky | 60 Points

古早港式拿铁, Vintage Hong Kong Latte

Milky | 60 Points

香芋珍珠拿铁, Taro Latte

Milky | 60 Points

白兰茉莉拿铁, Orchid Jasmine Latte

Milky | 60 Points

百香果玉露, Passion Fruit Jadedew

Refreshing Bubble Tea | 60 Points

一颗绿香柠, Perfume Yellow Green Lime

Refreshing Bubble Tea | 60 Points

泰式奶茶 Chai Tea Latte

Milky | 60 Points

抹茶拿铁 Matcha Latte

Milky | 60 Points


咖啡 , Coffee

Hot Drink | 10 Points

奶茶 , Milk Tea

Hot Drink | 10 Points

柠檬茶 , Lemon Tea

Hot Drink | 10 Points

蜂蜜柠檬, Lemon w. Honey

Hot Drink | 10 Points

柚子蜜 , Citron Honey

Hot Drink | 10 Points

阿华田 , Ovaltine

Hot Drink | 10 Points

好力克 , Horlick

Hot Drink | 10 Points

绿茶 , Green Tea

Hot Drink | 10 Points

生姜蜜 , Ginger Honey

Hot Drink | 10 Points

柠檬茶 (热) Lemon Tea (Hot)

Hot Drink | 10 Points

汽水 Soda

Hot Drink | 20 Points

鸳鸯 (热) Coffee W. Tea (Hot)

Hot Drink | 10 Points

矿泉水 Spring Water

Hot Drink | 10 Points

Drinks/Cold Drinks/Soda

冰咖啡 Iced Coffee

Drinks/Cold Drinks/Soda | 30 Points

冻奶茶 Iced Milk Tea

Drinks/Cold Drinks/Soda | 30 Points

冻柠茶 Iced Lemon Tea

Drinks/Cold Drinks/Soda | 30 Points

冰红茶 Iced Tea

Drinks/Cold Drinks/Soda | 30 Points

冻柠蜜 Lemon W. Honey(Iced)

Drinks/Cold Drinks/Soda | 30 Points

冻生姜蜜 Ginger Honey (Iced)

Drinks/Cold Drinks/Soda | 30 Points

冻柚子蜜 Citron Honey (Iced)

Drinks/Cold Drinks/Soda | 30 Points

冰绿茶 Iced Green Tea

Drinks/Cold Drinks/Soda | 30 Points

苹果汁 Apple Juice

Drinks/Cold Drinks/Soda | 20 Points

橙汁 Sunny D

Drinks/Cold Drinks/Soda | 20 Points

瓶装水 Bottle Water

Drinks/Cold Drinks/Soda | 10 Points

可乐 Coke

Drinks/Cold Drinks/Soda | 20 Points

无糖可乐 Diet Coke

Drinks/Cold Drinks/Soda | 20 Points

雪碧 Sprite

Drinks/Cold Drinks/Soda | 20 Points

姜汁汽水 Ginger Ale

Drinks/Cold Drinks/Soda | 20 Points

红牛Red Bull

Drinks/Cold Drinks/Soda | 30 Points

零糖可乐 Coke Zero

Drinks/Cold Drinks/Soda | 20 Points

柠檬冰茶 Brisk Iced Tea

Drinks/Cold Drinks | 20 Points

新奇士 Sunkist

Drinks/Cold Drinks/Soda | 20 Points

小气泡水 Sparking Water

Drinks/Cold Drinks/Soda | 20 Points

奇亚籽芒果冰 Mango W. Chia Seeds

Drinks/Cold Drinks/Soda | 50 Points

西米露 Sago Pudding

Drinks/Cold Drinks/Soda | 40 Points

桂花露 Osmanthus Jelly

Drinks/Cold Drinks/Soda | 50 Points

烧仙草 Herbal Jelly

Drinks/Cold Drinks/Soda | 50 Points

夏枯草 Herbal Tea

Drinks/Cold Drinks/Soda | 30 Points

烧仙草西米露 Grass Jelly W. Sago

Drinks/Cold Drinks/Soda | 40 Points

薯留香 Sweet Potato Juice

Drinks/Cold Drinks/Soda | 30 Points

冰杯 Cup Ice

Drinks/Cold Drinks/Soda


紫薯雪糕, UBE (Purple Yam)

Ice Cream & Dessert | 50 Points

香草雪糕, Madagascar Vanilla

Ice Cream & Dessert | 50 Points

抹茶雪糕, Matcha Green Tea

Ice Cream & Dessert | 50 Points

芝麻雪糕 Black Sesame

Ice Cream & Dessert | 50 Points

提拉米苏蛋糕 Tiramisu

Ice Cream & Dessert | 50 Points

马卡龙饼干 Macarons

Ice Cream & Dessert | 10 Points

巧克力慕斯 Chocolate Moose

Ice Cream & Dessert | 40 Points

芝士蛋糕 Cheese Cake

Ice Cream & Dessert | 30 Points

焦糖布丁 Caramel Flan

Ice Cream & Dessert | 30 Points

双皮奶 Milk Custard

Ice Cream & Dessert | 40 Points

芒果西米露 Mango Sago

Ice Cream & Dessert | 40 Points

米布丁 Rice Pudding

Ice Cream & Dessert | 30 Points


台灣滷肉飯 Taiwanese Braised Pork

Rice Bowl | 90 Points

古法排骨飯 Herbal Spare Rib

Rice Bowl | 120 Points

台式豬扒飯 Taiwanese Pork Chop

Rice Bowl | 110 Points

蜜汁芝麻脆鸡饭 Honey Sesame Crispy Chicken

Rice Bowl | 120 Points

咖哩薯仔鸡饭 Curry Chicken W. Potato

Rice Bowl | 120 Points

九层塔牛肉饭 Beef W. Basil

Rice Bowl | 140 Points

米饭 Rice

Rice Bowl | 20 Points

黑椒脆皮豆腐饭 Crispy Tofu W. Black Pepper Sauce Rice Bowl

Rice Bowl | 120 Points

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